Monday, May 20, 2013

The Misadventures of a Stay At Home Writer

Work is no joke.

Earning is no joke.

Saving is also no joke.

If you are like me who stays at home and makes a living out of internet connections and finding clients to write for on top of staying motivated, then you know the story very well.

Writer gets up, consumes coffee, half a breakfast of raisin bread (at least for this particular morning) and then  sits in front of the laptop still in pajamas and stays that way responding to emails, double checking deadlines and then gets up to have a drink of water.

With a lifestyle like this, I should be living under a rock.

After getting up for a quick pampering session in the bathroom which is actually referred to as a waking up process:

  • Exfoliating the face
  • Washing the hair
  • Waking up the rest of the body,
Subject then dries and brushes hair, puts on torn and ripped clothes and puts feet up on bed while the rest of the upper body is anchored towards the laptop on the table. 

There, now I am an official stay at home writer, so that only leaves me one more task on my CV: update my references and look for a more stable job. 

Note to self: pay bills... 

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